Case Study Report
This case study explores the capacity-building partnership focusing on the internationalisation of research environments, practices, and provisions as part of the British Council funded Capacity Building & Internationalisation for HE: Universities for the World Programme.
Capacity Building and Internationalisation for Higher Education
“Universities for the World Programme”
This British Council funded 12 months capacity-building project between Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil and Coventry University (CU), UK (Sept 2019 – March 2021 extended to Jan 2022) addresses UFES’s institutional and regional needs to enhance its internationalisation capabilities within priority social sciences research areas as per its Internationalisation Plan.
The project follows Joseph’s transformative approach to internationalisation as a collaborative undertaking which engages with cultural difference, challenges, ambiguity and risk (2011: 242). It is based on Appreciative Inquiry tenets (Cooperrider & Whitney, 2005) as it entails "a group process that enquires into, identifies and further develops the best of “what is” in organizations in order to create better futures” (Preskill and Catsambas 2006: 2) with a particular focus on doctoral study education.
The project has been facilitating intensive know-how transfer between the collaborating institutions in considering pedagogical strategies, internationalisation and decolonisation practices in the context of curriculum transformation. The research aspect is offering multiple strategies to examine partners respective educational approaches to teaching and learning, contextually situated, via research and development with colleagues working across diverse disciplinary backgrounds.
The project has targeted the following activities
• Identification of UFES and CU strategic internationalisation initiatives • Joint advancement of collaborative internationalisation activities• Design and launch of a cotutelle dual award PhD Programme• Project dissemination and reporting on lessons learnt and next stage
References: • Cooperrider, D. L. & Whitney, D., (2005). Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change. San-Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.• Joseph, C. (2011). Internationalizing the curriculum: Pedagogy for social justice. Current Sociology, 60, 239–257. • Preskill, H. & Catsambas, T. T. (2006). Reframing Evaluation Through Appreciative Inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publishing, ISBN: 9781412909518
Blog PostBy Gabriel Marin Vandenbroucke
Working with Researchers from Brazil: Lessons Learnt and Knowledge GainedBy Emmanuel Johnson
This British Council funded 12 months capacity-building project between Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil and Coventry University (CU), UK (Sept 2019 – March 2021 extended to Jan 2022) addresses UFES’s institutional and regional needs to enhance its internationalisation capabilities within priority social sciences research areas as per its Internationalisation Plan.
The project follows Joseph’s transformative approach to internationalisation as a collaborative undertaking which engages with cultural difference, challenges, ambiguity and risk (2011: 242). It is based on Appreciative Inquiry tenets (Cooperrider & Whitney, 2005) as it entails "a group process that enquires into, identifies and further develops the best of “what is” in organizations in order to create better futures” (Preskill and Catsambas 2006: 2) with a particular focus on doctoral study education.
The project has been facilitating intensive know-how transfer between the collaborating institutions in considering pedagogical strategies, internationalisation and decolonisation practices in the context of curriculum transformation. The research aspect is offering multiple strategies to examine partners respective educational approaches to teaching and learning, contextually situated, via research and development with colleagues working across diverse disciplinary backgrounds.
Capacity Building and Internationalisation for Higher Education
“Universities for the World Programme”
Case Study Report
This case study explores the capacity-building partnership focusing on the internationalisation of research environments, practices, and provisions as part of the British Council funded Capacity Building & Internationalisation for HE: Universities for the World Programme.
The project has targeted the following activities
• Identification of UFES and CU strategic internationalisation initiatives
• Joint advancement of collaborative internationalisation activities
• Design and launch of a cotutelle dual award PhD Programme
• Project dissemination and reporting on lessons learnt and next stage
References: • Cooperrider, D. L. & Whitney, D., (2005). Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change. San-Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.• Joseph, C. (2011). Internationalizing the curriculum: Pedagogy for social justice. Current Sociology, 60, 239–257. • Preskill, H. & Catsambas, T. T. (2006). Reframing Evaluation Through Appreciative Inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publishing, ISBN: 9781412909518
UFES International Plan and UFES Internationalisation process
Reflecting about an International University and international network
Academic Publishing at Coventry University: The Research & Scholarly Publications team
Collaborative Programmes by the Doctoral College
An overview of publications from our British Council funded project work
Sports and Recreation Centre
In this video, we speak to Sarah Patrick who discusses the Doctoral College support in setting up collaborative programmes for doctoral students in CU and UFES.
Mental Health & Wellbeing at Coventry University
Thomas Jenkins
Online Pedagogies Beyond the Classroom
Tour of Coventry City Centre
GLEA LibGuides
Interview with Brazilian Student about Study Experience in Coventry
In this recording, we interview Thomas Jenkins, Open Access Officer at Coventry University. We touch on the support provided by the Research & Scholarly Publications team, including the process of academic publishing, making publications open access, managing copyright and data management and more.
In this recording Prof. Lucia Garcia of UFES, Dr Richard Tomlins of Coventry University, and Prof. Gary Spolander of Robert Gordon University Aberdeen, talk about their research looking at the impact of Pandemic on the wellbeing of entrepreneurs in the Brazilian favelas as Government shut down existing access to health support, chaired by Prof Katherine Wimpenny, GLEA
Tour of the Doctoral College
Brazilian Perspectives on Studying and Living in Coventry
In this film we speak to two Brazilians who have lived in Coventry about their experiences. Leonardo Alves Dias is currently a research fellow at University of Birmingham and Patricia Macedo is a Christian Missionary at Youth With a Mission. They discuss how they adjusted to life in the UK and give useful tips for Brazilians coming to Coventry to live and study.
Here we speak to Dr Marta Vizcayo Echano who shares with us, the experiences of setting up a Cotutelle programme between Coventry University and Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Here we speak to Diane Phimster about mental health and wellbeing at Coventry University and support available to students.
Dr Heather Sears takes us on a whistle top tour of the Doctoral College
IT Services
Coventry Attractions and Activities
In this video we speak to Dr Heather Sears who is the Head of Researcher Capability and Development & Deputy Director of the Doctoral College. She provides information on academic, social and mental support available for PGR students from the Doctoral College.
Health and Wellbeing
This is a recording of the Keynote Address by Prof. Wimpenny as part of the CU-UFES hosted conference:“Transforming Trajectories of Vulnerability: Re-examining Educational Achievement (2TV)
Nov 11 – 12, 2021
Disruptive Media Learning Lab
Dr Wagner dos Santos, coordinator of the postgraduate program in education at the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) talks about the fruitful collaborative project undertaken with Coventry University “Shaping global urban environments for today and tomorrow”.
The project has enabled researchers and doctoral students to engage in international projects and tackle global issues, with valuable outputs including book chapters, research papers, and a student exchange across institutions.
Katherine Whimpenny Publications
Life on Campus
Development Programme
Health and Wellbeing Bookings
In this video, we interview the Head of the Centre for Academic Writing, Dr Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams. In our interview, we go through the support offered by CAW to postgraduate research students including writing tutorials, workshops, themed weeks, events, consultations and more.
A fruitful collaboration between UFES and Coventry University
In this Round Table discussion, recorded during UFES Internationalisation Conference Week, November 08.11.21 , Prof. Garcia, Prof. Wimpenny, Dr Adefila, and Prof Spolander share their respective perspectives on higher education internalisation agendas and international partnership work
Transforming Trajectories of Vulnerability
Research Methods Programme
Join us as we take a walk around Coventry city centre to showcase some essential locations for students, such as the railway station, market, restaurants, supermarkets and more.
CAW resources for research students
Maria Lucia Teixeira Garcia & Arinola Adefila (2022)
PGR Mentoring Programme
Coventry City Centre
Contact email
Join us as we walk through the Centre for Global Learning: Education and Attainment office space at Whitefriars Building. We also meet staff and a student who are part of our GLEA community, who introduce themselves and interests.
Wellbeing Initiative
In this video, we interview FutureLets staff about their services and complete offer for students, recommendations for finding the right accommodation for your needs and their programme and perks for current tenants.
Dr Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams
Doctoral Capability and Research Conference (DCAD)
Future Lets - Private Accomodation for Coventry University students
Cotutelle Programme by Coventry University and Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
In this video, we take you on a tour of the Lanchester library, a welcoming space for all students at Coventry University. In our tour, we go through the spaces for postgraduate study, silent study spaces, group rooms, the Disruptive Media Learning Lab, as well as the additional services located at the library such as Sigma (Mathematics and Statistics Support) and IT Services.
In this recording we speak to Research Fellow and former student, Lorena Caires Moreira who shares tips from her experiences of being a student at Coventry University.
The Doctoral College: Information and Support for PGR Students
Tour of the GLEA Office Space
In this video, we talk to Dr Rafael da Silva Barbosa, Postdoctoral Researcher at Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). Having gone through the experience of navigating life as a researcher in Coventry, we discuss his academic experience, recommendations for UFES cotutelle students, cultural adaptation and tips for networking and socializing.
Open Access and Institutional Repository
In this recorded discussion, Prof. Patricia Cardoso and
Prof Yuri Leite talk with Prof Wimpenny about UFES’s International Plan and UFES’s Internationalisation process and how strategies and practices have developed during the project lifetime
Studying at Coventry University: the Lanchester Library
The impact of Pandemic on the wellbeing of entrepreneurs in the Brazilian favelas
GLEA’s Librarian: Olivia Llewellyn
Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo & Coventry University, Publications
Improving your Writing Skills: The Centre for Academic Writing (CAW)
Research Data Management
UFES Researcher´s Experience as an academic in Coventry
Future Lets - Private Accomodation for Coventry University students
UFES International Plan and UFES Internationalisation process
In this video, we interview FutureLets staff about their services and complete offer for students, recommendations for finding the right accommodation for your needs and their programme and perks for current tenants.
UFES Researcher´s Experience as an academic in Coventry
The impact of Pandemic on the wellbeing of entrepreneurs in the Brazilian favelas
In this video, we talk to Dr Rafael da Silva Barbosa, Postdoctoral Researcher at Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). Having gone through the experience of navigating life as a researcher in Coventry, we discuss his academic experience, recommendations for UFES cotutelle students, cultural adaptation and tips for networking and socializing.
“Transforming Trajectories of Vulnerability”
Welcome Programme
The Doctoral College: Information and Support for PGR Students
Project Team
“Universities for the World Programme”
world map
Capacity Building and Internationalisation for Higher Education
Capacity Building and Internationalisationfor Higher Education
Katherine Wimpenny
Project Lead CU Contact
Web: www.coventry.ac.uk/globallearning
Email: k.wimpenny@coventry.ac.uk
Link: https://pureportal.coventry.ac.uk/en/persons/katherine-wimpenny
Position: Professor of Research in Global Education
Prof Katherine Wimpenny| Theme Lead Global Learning: Education Without BoundariesResearch Centre for Global Learning
Coventry University, Coventry, CV1 5FB
Phone: +44(0)7974 984590
Brief bio:Katherine’s research focuses on contextualised and comprehensive internationalisation at the interface of decolonisation of education practices, embedded in the broader context of curriculum transformation. She is researching a diversity of learning spaces (digital - especially Collaborative Online International learning, face to face, blended, formal, and non-formal) which interweave to impact educational opportunities which can serve to connect international learning communities, as well as to connect the university to its locale. Katherine has substantial track record as principal and co-investigator on large scale international education research projects and disseminates her work widely through a range of publications/media.
Brief bio:Katherine’s research focuses on contextualised and comprehensive internationalisation at the interface of decolonisation of education practices, embedded in the broader context of curriculum transformation. She is researching a diversity of learning spaces (digital - especially Collaborative Online International learning, face to face, blended, formal, and non-formal) which interweave to impact educational opportunities which can serve to connect international learning communities, as well as to connect the university to its locale. Katherine has substantial track record as principal and co-investigator on large scale international education research projects and disseminates her work widely through a range of publications/media.
Brief bio:Maria Lúcia T. Garcia is a Titular professsor in the Social Work and in the Social Policy Graduate program (PPGPS) of the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES). She has research Grant from The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Cnpq) and Espírito Santo Research Foundation (FAPES). She was coordenated the National Graduation Programs at Social Work Field in the Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement (2014-2018) of the Education Ministry. And member of the Scientific Technical Council- major bureau of CAPES (2014-2018). She has experience in Social Work, researching on the following subjects: social policy, mental health, public policy, early child development and Higher education.
Maria Lúcia Teixeira Garcia
Project Lead UFES Contact
Email: lucia-garcia@uol.com.br
Web: www.ufes.br
Position: Professor of the Social Work Department
Social Policy Graduate Program UFESUniversity: Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo (UFES)
Phone: +5527999417792
Link: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3834218481612647
Maria Lúcia Teixeira Garcia
Project Lead UFES Contact
Brief bio:Maria Lúcia T. Garcia is a Titular professsor in the Social Work and in the Social Policy Graduate program (PPGPS) of the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES). She has research Grant from The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Cnpq) and Espírito Santo Research Foundation (FAPES). She was coordenated the National Graduation Programs at Social Work Field in the Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement (2014-2018) of the Education Ministry. And member of the Scientific Technical Council- major bureau of CAPES (2014-2018). She has experience in Social Work, researching on the following subjects: social policy, mental health, public policy, early child development and Higher education.
Position: Collaborative Academic Partnership Quality Manager and Deputy HeadLocation: Academic Quality Services Staffordshire University, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. ST4 2AD
Marta Vizcaya Echano
Previously at Coventry University on the project as Collaborative Programmes and Recruitment Manager at the Doctoral College and Centre for Research Capability
Brief bio:Marta Vizcaya Echano is a HE professional services manager specialised in the diversification, internationalisation and quality assurance of academic programmes together with related organisational and policy change. She has 16 years’ experience in lecturing and professional services roles across 9 UK universities, having built a sustained record of influencing the learning, teaching and learner support strategies and practices of both her institutions and their partner networks. Her professional and research interests include current trends in global higher education with a particular focus on the development and quality assurance of regional, national and transnational partnerships.
Web: https://www.staffs.ac.uk/
Email: Marta.Vizcayaechano@staffs.ac.uk
Marta Vizcaya Echano
Previously at Coventry University on the project as Collaborative Programmes and Recruitment Manager at the Doctoral College and Centre for Research Capability
Brief bio:Marta Vizcaya Echano is a HE professional services manager specialised in the diversification, internationalisation and quality assurance of academic programmes together with related organisational and policy change. She has 16 years’ experience in lecturing and professional services roles across 9 UK universities, having built a sustained record of influencing the learning, teaching and learner support strategies and practices of both her institutions and their partner networks. Her professional and research interests include current trends in global higher education with a particular focus on the development and quality assurance of regional, national and transnational partnerships.
Brief bio:Arinola’s research focuses on educational transformation -collaborative, social and transdisciplinary leaning in diverse spaces. She has a strong belief in continuous lifelong learning, and the power of education to support adaptability, curiosity, innovation and civic collaboration. She believes transdisciplinary skills and competencies enable humans to be open to new ideas, learn new talents, versatility and solve problems. She has developed invaluable experience in research, evaluation, quality monitoring, and community/transdisciplinary education. Arinola has significant international experience working and studying in different countries. These experiences have supported her interest in internationalisation and global citizenship. She has successfully led complex projects with collaborative teams from diverse backgrounds. She is committed to making a significant contribution in society and enhancing design thinking and inclusive environments where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.
Email: arinola.adefila@staffs.ac.uk
Link: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9759-0104
Position: Deputy Director Staffordshire Centre of Learning and Pedagogic Practice (SCoLPP)
Location: Staffordshire University, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 2AD
Arinola AdefilaPreviously at GLEA as Assistant Professor on the project
Brief bio:Arinola’s research focuses on educational transformation -collaborative, social and transdisciplinary leaning in diverse spaces. She has a strong belief in continuous lifelong learning, and the power of education to support adaptability, curiosity, innovation and civic collaboration. She believes transdisciplinary skills and competencies enable humans to be open to new ideas, learn new talents, versatility and solve problems. She has developed invaluable experience in research, evaluation, quality monitoring, and community/transdisciplinary education. Arinola has significant international experience working and studying in different countries. These experiences have supported her interest in internationalisation and global citizenship. She has successfully led complex projects with collaborative teams from diverse backgrounds. She is committed to making a significant contribution in society and enhancing design thinking and inclusive environments where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.
Arinola Adefila
Previously at GLEA as Assistant Professor on the project
Arinola Adefila
Marta Vizcaya Echano
Tania Delboni
Patricia Cardoso
Kyria Finardi
Tanya Ligouri
Twitter: @CovUni_GLEA
Brief bio:A fully qualified Project Manager with experience in supporting research projects through all stages of the project management lifecycle. Tanya has an extensive knowledge of different funders and working with a wide variety of funding programmes from FP7, H2020, Erasmus, MSCA, Research Councils through to smaller specialist funders and charities. A highly motivated individual Tanya works towards obtaining results through a solid problem-solving approach, planning, organization, and resource management.
Email: tanya.liguori@coventry.ac.uk
Research Centre for Global Learning
Coventry University, Coventry, CV1 5FB
Phone: +44(0) 7557425575
Tanya Ligouri
Research Delivery Support Partner
Tanya Ligouri
Research Delivery Support Partner
Brief bio:A fully qualified Project Manager with experience in supporting research projects through all stages of the project management lifecycle. Tanya has an extensive knowledge of different funders and working with a wide variety of funding programmes from FP7, H2020, Erasmus, MSCA, Research Councils through to smaller specialist funders and charities. A highly motivated individual Tanya works towards obtaining results through a solid problem-solving approach, planning, organization, and resource management.
Yuri L. R. Leite
Emmanuel Johnson
Richard Tomlins
Gary Spolander
Sarah Patrick
Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira
Brief bio:Dr Richard Tomlins is an internationally recognised expert in the creative economy, social value and entrepreneurial innovation, social enterprise, community cohesion, regeneration, equalities, and social inclusion. His track record includes driving business and social gains through commissioning, procurement, and social impact measurement.
He has developed a strong set of design thinking resources for change as part of a wider development of playful resources for change and engagement with the requirements of Education 4.0 and Industry 4.0 and 5.0. This includes leading creative economy and empowerment projects including with Instituto Feira Preta the black women’s empowerment organisation in São Paulo for the British Council.
Email: aa3252@coventry.ac.uk
Richard Tomlins
Position: Associate Head of School, Enterprise and Innovation, School of Marketing and Management, Faculty of Business and Law,
Where: Coventry University, Coventry, CV1 5FB
Link: https://pureportal.coventry.ac.uk/en/persons/richard-tomlins
Brief bio:Dr Richard Tomlins is an internationally recognised expert in the creative economy, social value and entrepreneurial innovation, social enterprise, community cohesion, regeneration, equalities, and social inclusion. His track record includes driving business and social gains through commissioning, procurement, and social impact measurement. He has developed a strong set of design thinking resources for change as part of a wider development of playful resources for change and engagement with the requirements of Education 4.0 and Industry 4.0 and 5.0. This includes leading creative economy and empowerment projects including with Instituto Feira Preta the black women’s empowerment organisation in São Paulo for the British Council.
Email: g.spolander@rgu.ac.uk
Position: Professor of Social Work
Robert Gordon University, Ishbel Gordon Building, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen, AB10 7QG
Gary Spolander
Brief bio:Gary is Professor of Social Work at Robert Gordon University. He has a background in social work and public health and has worked in academic and in practice. His research interests include international social work, social policy, leadership and management, early child development, mental health and health and social inequality.
Brief bio:Gary is Professor of Social Work at Robert Gordon University. He has a background in social work and public health and has worked in academic and in practice. His research interests include international social work, social policy, leadership and management, early child development, mental health and health and social inequality.
Gary Spolander
Position: Collaborative Programmes and Recruitment Manager
Doctoral College and Centre for Research Capability
Room 1.18 Kingfisher, Elm Bank, Coventry University
Phone: +44 (0)7974984307
Sarah Patrick
Brief bio:Sarah is the Collaborative Programmes Manager in Coventry University’s Doctoral College managing a portfolio of international collaborations from sponsored PhDs through to Dual Award PhD Programmes. Having worked in UK Higher Education for over 20 years in a variety of international and partnership development roles, Sarah moved into the Doctoral College in 2020 where she now supports a range of Doctoral partnerships with overseas universities, industry partners, and government bodies.
Email: sarah.patrick@coventry.ac.uk
Sarah Patrick
Brief bio:Sarah is the Collaborative Programmes Manager in Coventry University’s Doctoral College managing a portfolio of international collaborations from sponsored PhDs through to Dual Award PhD Programmes. Having worked in UK Higher Education for over 20 years in a variety of international and partnership development roles, Sarah moved into the Doctoral College in 2020 where she now supports a range of Doctoral partnerships with overseas universities, industry partners, and government bodies.
Position: Collaborative Programmes and Recruitment Manager
Doctoral College and Centre for Research Capability
Room 1.18 Kingfisher, Elm Bank, Coventry University
Phone: +44 (0)7974984307
Email: johns316@uni.coventry.ac.uk
Brief bio:Emmanuel Effiong Johnson is a Nigerian researcher, filmmaker and writer. He is committed to research on identity, belonging and ways of learning. He is currently a Doctoral researcher at Coventry University, where he immerses himself in the reality of Nigerian student experience in the UK.
Position: PhD Assistant, GLEA
Research Centre for Global Learning
Coventry University, Coventry, CV1 5FB
Emmanuel Johnson
Web: www.johnsonee.com
Brief bio:Emmanuel Effiong Johnson is a Nigerian researcher, filmmaker and writer. He is committed to research on identity, belonging and ways of learning. He is currently a Doctoral researcher at Coventry University, where he immerses himself in the reality of Nigerian student experience in the UK.
Emmanuel Johnson
Email: tania.delboni@ufes.br
Brief bio:Professor at the Department of Educational Theories and Educational Practices (DTEPE) at the Education Center (UFES). Professor of the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) and the Professional Master's Graduate Program in Education (PPGMPE). President of the Brazilian Curriculum Association (ABdC). Member of the work-group Curriculum of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education (ANPEd). Researcher at the Research Group Com-Versions with the Philosophy of Difference in curricula and teacher training (PPGE/UFES). Research interests focus on both educational policy reform related to National Common Core for Curriculum and teacher training, and the inherent and inventive movements of curriculum production developed daily at school.
Link: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3008422505347658
Position: Professor of Teaching, Theories and Educational Practices Department;
Education Graduate Program UFES
Location: Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo (UFES)
Phone: +55 27999024985
Tania Delboni
Tania Delboni
Brief bio:Professor at the Department of Educational Theories and Educational Practices (DTEPE) at the Education Center (UFES). Professor of the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) and the Professional Master's Graduate Program in Education (PPGMPE). President of the Brazilian Curriculum Association (ABdC). Member of the work-group Curriculum of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education (ANPEd). Researcher at the Research Group Com-Versions with the Philosophy of Difference in curricula and teacher training (PPGE/UFES). Research interests focus on both educational policy reform related to National Common Core for Curriculum and teacher training, and the inherent and inventive movements of curriculum production developed daily at school.
Position: Senior Lecturer in the Department of Languages, Culture and Eduction (DLCE)
Location: Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo (UFES)
Phone: +55 27999024985
Kyria Finardi
Link: https://blog.ufes.br/kyriafinardi/
Email: kyria.finardi@ufes.br
Brief bio:Kyria Rebeca Finardi is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Languages, Culture and Education (DLCE) and a researcher in the post-graduate program of Education (PPGE) of the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES). She has a Cnpq Academic Productivity scholarship and was the President of the Brazilian Association of Applied Linguistics (ALAB) 2018-2019, is the co-founder and co-coordinator of the Ibero-America Association of Applied Linguistics (AIALA) and the vice-president of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). At the undergraduate level, her teaching focuses on pre-service English language teacher education and at the post-graduate level it focuses on decolonial theories and aspects related to languages in the production of knowledge, language policies in higher education, global citizenship, the use of technology in education and internationalization.
Kyria Finardi
Brief bio:Kyria Rebeca Finardi is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Languages, Culture and Education (DLCE) and a researcher in the post-graduate program of Education (PPGE) of the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES). She has a Cnpq Academic Productivity scholarship and was the President of the Brazilian Association of Applied Linguistics (ALAB) 2018-2019, is the co-founder and co-coordinator of the Ibero-America Association of Applied Linguistics (AIALA) and the vice-president of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA). At the undergraduate level, her teaching focuses on pre-service English language teacher education and at the post-graduate level it focuses on decolonial theories and aspects related to languages in the production of knowledge, language policies in higher education, global citizenship, the use of technology in education and internationalization.
Email: elizappge@gmail.com
Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira
Position: Professor in Education
Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo (UFES)
Phone: +55 27988669697
Brief bio:Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira is a professor at the Center of Education and the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). She is a researcher grant (PQ) from The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Cnpq).She was coordinator of the PPGE (2017-2020) and is currently Director of Graduate Studies at UFES (2020-). Coordinator of the Latin American Network of Studies on Teaching Work (Red Estrado). Her research and studies are linked to educational policies, especially on the profession and teaching work; secondary education; educational planning; public management.
Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira
Brief bio:Eliza Bartolozzi Ferreira is a professor at the Center of Education and the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). She is a researcher grant (PQ) from The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Cnpq).She was coordinator of the PPGE (2017-2020) and is currently Director of Graduate Studies at UFES (2020-). Coordinator of the Latin American Network of Studies on Teaching Work (Red Estrado). Her research and studies are linked to educational policies, especially on the profession and teaching work; secondary education; educational planning; public management.
Link: http://lattes.cnpq.br/6476384962630880
Patricia Alcantara Cardoso
Email: patricia.cardoso@ufes.br
Position: UFES’ Counselor at the university board. Previously at UFES on the project as Head of the International Office.
Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo (UFES)
Phone: +5527988020202
Brief bio:Patricia Cardoso is an Associate Professor at the Department of Production Engineering at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), where she teaches and researches Transport, Logistics, Project Management and Engineering Education. She was the Head of the International Office (2016-2020) promoting and supporting the major international agreements. Currently she is a Counselor in the University Board, managing institutional projects.
Brief bio:Patricia Cardoso is an Associate Professor at the Department of Production Engineering at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), where she teaches and researches Transport, Logistics, Project Management and Engineering Education. She was the Head of the International Office (2016-2020) promoting and supporting the major international agreements. Currently she is a Counselor in the University Board, managing institutional projects.
Patricia Alcantara Cardoso
Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yuri-leite-62014b195/
Brief bio:Yuri Leite is currently Head of the International Office at UFES and is interested in strategies for advancing the internationalization of this institution. He is also a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and leading research on the origins of tropical biodiversity and associated conservation challenges.
Email: internacional@ufes.br
Yuri L. R. Leite
Position: Head of International Office, UFES
Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo (UFES)
Phone: +44(0)7974 984590
Brief bio:Yuri Leite is currently Head of the International Office at UFES and is interested in strategies for advancing the internationalization of this institution. He is also a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and leading research on the origins of tropical biodiversity and associated conservation challenges.
Yuri L. R. Leite
Position: Head of International Office, UFES
Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo (UFES)
Phone: +44(0)7974 984590
Brief bio:Bachelor in Social Work (2006), Master (2009) and PhD (2018) in Social Policy Program at UFES. Professor at Social Work Department and Social Policy Graduate Program. Member of Research Group about Fundamental of Critical Social Theory, Social Work and Social Policy (INTERFACES). Visitor professor at Global Learning, Education and Atteinment (GLEA), Coventry University (UK), between January and March 2020 (CAPES-Print).
Email: rafael.v.teixeira@ufes.br
Rafael Teixeira
Link: http://lattes.cnpq.br/4063259554145218
Rafael Teixeira
Brief bio:Bachelor in Social Work (2006), Master (2009) and PhD (2018) in Social Policy Program at UFES. Professor at Social Work Department and Social Policy Graduate Program. Member of Research Group about Fundamental of Critical Social Theory, Social Work and Social Policy (INTERFACES). Visitor professor at Global Learning, Education and Atteinment (GLEA), Coventry University (UK), between January and March 2020 (CAPES-Print).
Rafael Teixeira
Maria Lúcia Teixeira Garcia
Katherine Wimpenny
Katherine Whimpenny
Gabriel Marin Vandenbroucke
I volunteered to take part in the British Council funded project and cotutelle between Coventry University (CU) and Universidade Federal Do Espírito Santo (UFES) - a doctorate level study enabling postgraduate research students to spend time across both universities and be awarded their degree at both institutions.
The idea behind the project was to provide useful information and valuable resources for incoming doctoral students. As an international student, I could personally relate and identify with the project objectives and audience and was motivated to help fellow students.
In the academic sphere, the project helped me explore the wide range of support services available at Coventry University. For instance, I had an enlightening talk with the Head of the Centre for Academic Writing, delving into the extensive support available to doctoral students so we can excel in thesis or paper writing. Similarly, an interview with the Open Access at the Research & Scholarly Publications team helped me better comprehend the process of academic publishing and dissemination.
However, this project made me think beyond the academic viewpoint, critically reflecting on and fully realising the myriad of factors surrounding the experience of being an international doctoral student.
For example, during our interviews, we touched on topics such as the challenges of finding suitable accommodation, maintaining health and wellbeing, and building a social life in a different cultural environment. Additionally, I had the chance to talk to people that have gone through the doctoral journey at Coventry, and discuss some of their insights on resilience, on how to cope with feelings of isolation or with struggles in adaptation.
While these are not aspects frequently discussed as part of interactions with academics, they are central to the day-to-day experience of being a doctoral student. In that sense, this project made me take a step back and look at the “bigger picture” on how to get through and thrive during the doctoral experience.
Gabriel Marin Vandenbroucke
Working with Researchers from Brazil: Lessons Learnt and Knowledge Gained
By Emmanuel Johnson
I was recruited to work on the British Council funded, Universities of the World project, which is a collaboration between Coventry University and Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) in Brazil. In this post, I will discuss my experience working with colleagues in Brazil, and highlight key lessons I have learnt, which I believe will impact my Post-doctoral life positively.
The first point I will highlight is that, before this project I had very basic knowledge about Brazilian culture and people. All I knew about Brazil was its geographical location, the Amazon Rainforest, Brazilian football stars, City of God (2002 film) and that their official language is Portuguese. But do these details give one a real perspective of what Brazilian people are like? I do not think so. Working on this project has afforded me an opportunity to engage in conversations with Brazilian people, and learn about things that matter to them. In this process, I have learnt to listen diligently and be open-minded whilst interacting with people of different backgrounds. I believe this skill will help me greatly because I intend to be a researcher after my PhD, and undertake qualitative research that is bent on discovering lived experiences of people.
This process of conversing with Brazilian people has allowed for me to learn, not only differences but also similarities, between Brazilian culture and my Nigerian culture. During the course of this project, I had the opportunity to interview Brazilians who live in Coventry, to learn about their adjustment processes. One of our interview participants said to me that, Brazilian culture is generally relaxed and vibrant. And, Brazilians generally value shared communal experiences between each other, and prioritise this over lonesome experiences. This reveals to me a common ground between Brazilian and Nigerian cultures, as we too tend to hold this value. I believe commonality between cultures is something to cherish and build on. In future, I hope to use it as a bridge to learn about experiences of other people in their own contexts.
The third and final point I wish to address is that, this project has provided for me a chance to work professionally within a diverse team of staff and students. Through this, I have learnt to manage and fulfil expectations and demands on me, and contribute effectively to discussions. I have learnt to be proactive, think quickly, formulate and present ideas that benefit a wider team, as opposed to just myself. I believe these lessons learnt and knowledge gained will help me in future endeavours, as I go on to work collaboratively with more people.
Working with Researchers from Brazil: Lessons Learnt and Knowledge Gained
By Emmanuel Johnson